Behind the Troy InVoice staff

The end of summer and the beginning of school swept our newspaper staff like a bag of very heavy rocks. One minute we were sitting by the pool reading AP journalism formatting style books and scrolling twitter for updates on Taylor Swift’s new album. The next minute we are staring at each other’s faces in the journalism room wondering what happened to our beloved summer days. Meaning the struggle to keep our minds on track to the goal of journalistic excellence is very real.

We officially have eight gorgeous and talented staff members. In case you are unaware of these lovely individuals, I feel it is necessary to make introductions.

Justina Brown, our sensational editor in chief. Justina is expert on everything related to journalism, communication, donuts, and making the staff feel like we are the coolest people in the universe. You know she puts one hundred and twelve percent of her soul into this paper because her car is always parked in the space closest to the school, a position only obtained by someone who arrives long before any other student.

Yulenni Vennegas, one of our rookie reporters. Yulenni is the resident theater star and speaks fluent sarcasm. Her level of oratory eloquence makes us all look like primitive apes but she is far too modest to ever affirm such an idea.

Cameron Tsosie, one of our beloved return reporters. Cameron is the sunshine of our staff. He radiates optimism and curiosity, ready to accomplish any task without a single complaint. He is not capable of abrasive words or judgement, and a critical addition to our staff.

Andrew Hernandez, the yearbook editor in chief. Andrew’s delightful sense of humor keeps every class day full of vivacity and excitement. Do not trust him with government secrets, heavy machinery or your MySpace passwords. DO trust him with hugs and photography skills.

Adam Sanders, future marine and a professional at spinny chair bumper cars. He’s one of our returning staff members and keeps a certain degree of cool to our nerdy journalism style.

Alex Vasquez is our newest staff member, she came all the way from Riverside to dispense her skills on the Troy InVoice. Her renowned article on school confession twitter accounts has us very excited for what she will do for our newspaper.

And last but not least, our darling Jorge Hoolahan. Not only does he have the best hair of anyone on the staff, but Jorge is absurdly intelligent. His refusal to use spell check or capitalize his name are just a covering for his genius mind, we promise.

We will be slaving over our keyboards and college ruled notebook paper all year (aside from the occasional cookie break) to make the Troy InVoice something that will open your brain windows when you read it. We will do all the writing, picture taking, and designing, all you have to do is read.

Behind the yearbook pages

If you’re reading this that means you’ve survived the first week back to school, congrats! It hasn’t been a normal or easy first week of school, our Trojan Journalism staffers understand the difficulties everyone has faced. We’re in a new school; no one quite knows how to get between the new building and north campus without being tardy; no matter how tech savvy your teacher is, they still can’t figure out how to work the new projectors; the stairs are beyond crowded and we aren’t quite up to the cardio that is three flights of stairs every hour. But, we’ve made it.

For our Trojan Journalism students, it’s been a week of exciting changes and new experiences. A new room, new technology, new designs, and new staffers. As EIC of the newspaper and a staff member of the yearbook, it’s been exciting for me to watch. Even in our short three days, we’re already becoming a family, picking up where we left off last year and welcoming in everyone new.

All that being said, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Even now our Invader staff is hard at work on the yearbook you’ll be reading nine months from now. The greatest part? They need your help! Yes you! We want all your memories from Auburn High as the year goes on. We want to know what’s frustrating you during the first few days of school. We want to know your favorite part of being back in the classroom with your friends. We want to know what YOU want to see in the yearbook come next June. So help us as we bring you the 103 Invader yearbook, the book you have a voice in. But here’s the catch, you only have 140 characters on Twitter to let us know. Go open up your Twitter app, find us and make sure you hit follow, then use #MyAuburnExperience to share with us! We’ll read and retweet you and then ensure that your voice is heard as the yearbook comes together. No promises that everyone’s fabulous idea is going to make it into the final 280 pages, but why not try?

I look forward to seeing everyone’s wacky and crazy experiences as the year progresses. Until then, I hope all your experiences during the 2014-2015 school year are memorable!